

Issue #2 - Contents:


CD-Player - Kev Beardsworth listens to Pink Floyd.
"I think I'm right in saying that the first thing people do when connecting a CD ROM drive to their Atari is play an Audio CD..."

E-Copy - Colin Fisher-McAllum tries the new disk copier from System Solutions.
"Strangely enough, E-Copy is a disk copying utility. It can run as a program or accessory and the manual says its multi-tasking friendly, but more of this later..."

ExtenDOS Pro - Kevin Beardsworth tests this CD-ROM driver
"Anodyne Software, realising there was a nasty gap in the market developed ExtenDOS, soon to be transformed into ExtenDOS Pro."

Hewlett Packard DJ600. - Adam Foster buys a printer.
"After using a knackered old Star LC-10 for several years with my ST, I was looking forwards to getting a new printer."

Look'n See- Joe Conner introduces us to one of his InterActive supported products.
"It's tempting to describe Look'n See as a file viewer because it can recognise and display dozens of image, text, sample and other file formats. After a quick play it's clear Look'n See is a seriously powerful application which defies pigeon holing as a mere file viewer!"

MagiC Utilities - Kevin Beardsworth looks at some special MagiC utilities.
"Let's face it, brilliant though MagiC undoubtedly is, it's rather lacking when it comes to customising, giving it that look and feel unique to your system."

Sky-Fall - Chris Smith and Colin Fisher-McAllum play with the new game from Reservoir Gods.
"A Tetris/Columns clone maybe, but there is so much game play here that it is a must for all Falcon owners who enjoy an occasionally game."

Star Accessories - Colin Fisher-McAllum introduces this new regular feature.
"To get the ball rolling I have chosen to chat about 'NameNet Access' and 'To-Do'..."


An intro to NameNet - Roger Derry tells us why he wrote NameNet.
"I had just been told that I was to be made redundant. Rather than sit and lick my wounds, I sat down and started programming..."

Symposium '96 - Richard Felice of the Maggie team goes to Germany.
"For some months now, we had been eagerly anticipating the trip over to Germany for Symposium '96, which had replaced the Fried Bits and other parties that were normally held around this time."


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         Kev Beardsworth                Colin Fisher-McAllum
         32 Chestnut Rd                 11 Pound Meadow
         Fishtoft, Boston               Whitchurch
         Links PE21 0BU                 Hants RG28 7LG

                      42BBS 01256-895106

The content of this issue of AtariPhile
is copyright of the Falcon FacTT File © 1996
